If you do not have a TEAL account, follow the instructions below:

After logging into your TEAL account, follow the instructions below:

  • Click My Application Accounts on the Self-Service
  • Click Request New Account.
  • Select EMAT in the pop-up window.
  • Click Add Access on the application page.
  • Enter the organization number and name in the Employing Organization
  • Select one role and fill out the requested information.
  • Click Done when all fields are completed.
  • Click Save Changes.

Since districts are allowed two staff members with view-only access and two staff members with ordering access, you should include the name of the staff member being replaced, if applicable, in the comments box after entering your county district number.

Requests for access will be routed to your organization’s approver (superintendent, director, or designee) and then to TEA for approval. EMAT access requests through TEAL expire after five days if no action is taken. You will receive an email confirmation when your request has been approved.